Grossmont Union High School District

Mission Statement

Mission Statement

The Risk Management & Compliance Department strives to enhance the District’s overall educational mission by mitigating, reducing, or eliminating risk exposures through the use of risk financing, claims management, risk control, and/or a variety of strategic initiatives designed to provide a safe and environmentally sound campus and educational experience.


The Risk Management and Compliance Department is responsible for:

  • Managing the workers compensation and property & casualty insurance programs to include tort claims, lawsuits, and other legal actions against the District
  • Organizing and respond to Public Records Act requests
  • Coordinating student health services to include student voluntary and catastrophic insurance programs
  • Preventing and mitigating liabilities
  • Managing environmental health and safety programs
  • Tracking and coordinating complaints against District, personnel, and programs
  • Coordinating lifesaving programs (ex-AED, Epi-Pen, and Narcan)
  • Providing counsel and training to operating units/sites concerning injury, illness, and accident prevention; loss control, risk management procedures and related issues to include policy updates 
  • Maintaining records of coverage, and property/equipment valuations and schedules


Online Voluntary Accident Insurance Enrollment:
District Employees:
To request a certificate of insurance, please fill out the request form and submit it to Kathleen Wolski.

Workers Compensation

GUHSD Employees:
If you would like to file a workers compensation claim, please contact your site's facilities manager.
For any additional questions, please contact a Kathleen Wolski or a supervisor.

Environmental Health and Safety

GUHSD's Environmental Health and Safety Specialist is responsible for the following programs:
  • Injury and Illness Prevention Program
  • Respiratory Protection Program
  • Bloodborne Pathogens Program
  • Hazard Communication Program
For questions about these programs or applicable training, contact Daniel Neesen.
Staff Resources:
To request an ergonomic assessment, please complete the pre-evaluation worksheet and send it to Kathleen Wolski.


Shawn Guffey- Director, Risk Management and Compliance
(619) 644-8176
Daniel Neesen- Environmental Health and Safety Specialist
(619) 644-8176
Kathleen Wolski- Risk Management Specialist
(619) 644-8182
Brielle Wilkerson- Administrative Assistant II
(619) 644-8176
Location: District Office, 1100 Murray Drive, La Mesa, CA 92020
Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.