To make sure you have the most up-to-date communication from Grossmont Union High School District, please update your email address and phone number as soon as possible. You now have the ability to make these updates in your Infinite Campus portal. Because proof of residency is required, you will need to contact your student's school for physical or mailing address changes.
To update telephone numbers or the email address for yourself and all family members:
From the Infinite Campus Parent Portal menu, select “More.”
Choose “Family Information”
For each person whose information needs updating, click the “Update” button:
Make any needed changes:
Click "Update":
To update the primary phone number for the family:
From the Infinite Campus Parent Portal menu, select “More.”
Select “Address Information:”
Click the "Update" button for either the email address or the phone number.
Make the needed changes.
Click the "Update" button.
To update physical or mailing address information:
If you are updating a physical address, gather your proof of residency documents and your proof of identity.
Contact your student's school as soon as possible.