Grossmont Union High School District

Residency Requirement for Student Registration

  • Per California State Education Code and Governing Board Policy, all students must provide proof of residency and housing status as part of student enrollment.
  • Copies of documents verifying residency (listed below) will be collected during registration and placed in the student’s permanent cumulative folder on a yearly basis. You must also provide proof of residency any time you move. 
  • Names and addresses must appear on all documents.
  • Caregivers, Foster Parents, and other Court-appointed Guardians must provide additional legally-required documents.
  • If you do not have a physical address, please contact your school. 

Acceptable Proofs of Residency 

One (1) of the following documents may be used to provide proof of residency: 
  • Deed to home
  • Escrow papers for a home or signed offer to purchase a home
  • Property tax receipt
If you do not have one of the above documents, then you must submit two (2) of the following:  
  • Other government or business document which reliably establishes current residence as determined by the District
  • Regular driver’s license (not temporary) with residence address
  • Receipt for deposit and/or receipt for bills paid to a local utility company, i.e., SDG&E, cable, water, disposal (most recent, within the last 30 days)
  • Rental agreement with property owner or agent’s signature (notarized or verified under penalty of perjury)
Warning: Falsification of residency housing verification will result in immediate revocation of student enrollment.