Per California
State Education Code and Governing Board Policy, all students must provide proof of residency and housing status as part of student enrollment.
Copies of documents
verifying residency (listed
below) will be collected during registration and placed in the student’s
permanent cumulative
folder on a yearly basis. You must also provide proof of residency any time you move.
Names and addresses must appear
on all documents.
Caregivers, Foster Parents, and other Court-appointed Guardians must provide additional legally-required documents.
If you do not have a physical address, please contact your school.
Acceptable Proofs of Residency
One (1) of the following documents may be used to provide proof of residency:
Deed to home
Escrow papers for a home or signed offer to purchase a home
Property tax receipt
If you do not have one of the above documents, then you must submit two (2) of the following:
Other government or business
document which reliably establishes current residence as determined by
the District
Regular driver’s license (not temporary) with residence address
Receipt for deposit and/or
receipt for bills paid to a local utility company, i.e., SDG&E,
cable, water, disposal (most
recent, within the last 30 days)
Rental agreement with
property owner or agent’s signature (notarized or verified under penalty
of perjury)
Warning: Falsification of residency housing verification will result in immediate revocation of student enrollment.