Grossmont Union High School District

Students who attend a high school in the Grossmont Union High School District are required to obtain a work permit if they are under 18 years of age, and have secured paid employment. The work permit is required by CA Education Code and is enforced by the CA State Labor Department (DLSE).
Grossmont Union High School District students must meet and maintain a 2.0 G.P.A (grade point average) and attend school regularly and on time to obtain and keep a work permit. 

Students who have graduated from high school are not required to have a work permit.


Work permits will be processed at the school site where the GUHSD student is enrolled and attends. Charter and private school students may obtain a work permit from their school where they are enrolled and attend.

Work Permits during the holiday breaks:

School sites are closed during the holiday breaks (2024-2025 Adopted District Calendar), so students should plan on getting their Work Permits signed before each holiday break. If you are offered a job during the break, let your employer know that you will get the Work Permit processed as soon as the holiday break is over.
Process for GUHSD students to obtain a Work Permit

Process for GUHSD students to obtain a Work Permit

  1. Receive an employment offer.
  2. Download B1-1 (Intent to Employ Form). 
  3. Complete the B1-1 Form. Make sure it has BOTH employer AND parent signatures and information, and your social security number.
  4. Turn-in or Email the completed B1-1 Form to your school site designated work permit contact (Site Contact List).
  5. Work Permit designee will review the Form B1-1 as well as your attendance and academic records and will walk you through the remaining steps to receive your official work permit (B1-4 form).
  6. Your Work Permit will be completed within 72 hours during work days if you meet district attendance and academic requirements.
  7. Once your B1-1 form has been processed, your B1-4 form will be emailed to you by your site. 

The employer MUST keep your work permit (B1-4 form) at the work site.
Work Permits must be renewed each year at the start of school, or if employment changes.


All work hours must be outside of school hours






Age 14-15

18 Hrs/Week Max

3 Hrs/Daily Max


3 Hrs/Daily Max


8 Hrs/Daily Max

7AM-7 PM

8 Hrs/Daily Max

7AM-7 PM

Age 16-17

36 Hrs/Week Max

4 Hrs/Daily Max


8hrs/Daily Max

5AM-12:30 AM

8hrs/Daily Max


8hrs/Daily Max


Restricted Work Permits Limit Work Days to Friday, Saturday, Sunday (with hours listed above)

AGE 14-15, 18 hours/ Week Max

Age 16-17,  24 hours/Week Max



AGE 14-15

36 Hrs/ Week Max

8 Hrs/Daily Max

7AM-7 PM

AGE 16-17

36 Hrs/Week Max

8 Hrs/Daily Max

5 AM-12:30 AM

Do I need a work permit?
Yes. If you are under 18 yrs of age and have not graduated from high school, you must have a work permit.

How do I know if I am eligible for a work permit?
Minor student must be enrolled in school and meet attendance and academic standards. The school district may deny, restrict, or cancel a work permit.

Do I need a job first?
Yes. When offered the job, have the employer complete Section 2 of Form B1-1. Parent or guardian also signs.  Then take the B1-1 form to your school to get your actual work permit.

When can I start my job?
You may begin work as soon as your official Work Permit (Form B1-4) has been presented to your employer.

How many hours may I work on school days?
This depends on your age and the type of work permit you have been issued. See above.

Do I need a Social Security Number?
Yes. Before a minor can be employed s/he must have a SSN which must be printed on the both forms B1-1 and B1-4.

How long is the Work Permit valid?
All student work permits expire when school starts each fall semester. Students must renew their work permits as soon as school starts. The work permit is good until the following fall semester for that job ONLY. If you get a different job or start to work for the same company but at a different location, you MUST get a new work permit.
Work Permit Information for Employers

Work Permit Information for Employers

Grossmont Union High School District—2024-2025

Work Permit Information for Employers


The following information is listed to assist you in obtaining a current and valid work permit for the student employee you have recently hired:

  • All work permits from the previous year expire five days after the opening of the next succeeding school year.  Blue Work Permits from 23.24 will expire on August 20, 2024.
  • GUHSD work permits will be Green-Regular and Red-Restricted for the 2024-2025 school year, starting August 21, 2024.
  • Please be advised that all students under 18, who have not graduated from high school, must have a current work permit BEFORE they are scheduled to work.
  • Students can download the new work permit application (Form B1-1).
  • Completed work permit applications (Form B1-1) must be email to the school of attendance designated work permit contact. (Link to Contact List by site)
  • The new work permit will be ready for pick-up up to 72 hours after the application is received by the school site.
  • A current work permit (Form B1-4) MUST be on file at the student’s place of employment BEFORE a minor student can begin work.
  • GUHSD policy regulations monitor student grades and attendance prior to issuing a student work permit.
  • Employers must adhere to all social distancing guidelines when employing minors. Resources can be found at San Diego County Department of Health. 

Please call the student’s school site to contact the Work Permit Designee if you have any questions.  


Occupational Restrictions for persons under 18

MAY NOT BE EMPLOYED OR PERMITTED TO WORK IN ANY OCCUPATION DECLARED HAZARDOUS IN FEDERAL REGULATION FOR PERSONS UNDER 18: Manufacturing and storing explosives (including small arms ammunition); motor vehicle driving and outside helper; logging and sawmilling; power-driven woodworking machines; power-driven circular saws, band saws, and guillotine shears; power-driven hoisting apparatuses (including forklifts); roofing, excavation; wrecking, demolition, and shipbreaking operations; power-driven metal-forming, punching, and shearing machines; slaughtering, or meat-packing, processing or rendering; power-driven bakery machines; power-driven paper-products machines; manufacturing brick, tile, and kindred products; coal mining; mining other than coal mining; and exposure to radioactive substances.

Solely under state law, MAY NOT BE EMPLOYED: In gas stations, in any work using pits, racks, lifting apparatuses, or inflating any tire mounted on a rim with a removable retaining ring. In or on that portion of an establishment primarily designed for on site consumption of alcohol. To sell alcoholic beverages for off-site consumption unless constantly supervised by a person 21 or older. To sell lottery tickets unless constantly supervised by a person 21 or older.

For more information about child labor laws, contact the U.S. Department of Labor at, and the State of California Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Labor Standards Enforcement at


The following information is listed to assist you in obtaining a current and valid work permit for the student employee you have recently hired:

  1. All work permits from the previous year expire five days after the opening of the next succeeding school year.  SALMON- Work Permits from 16.17 will expire on August 20, 2017.
  2. GUHSD work permits will be BLUE -Regular and Red-Restricted for the 2017-2018 school year, starting August 15, 2017.  (The 2017-18 Work Permits issued after August 15, 2017 will expire on August 19, 2018.)
  3. Please be advised that all students under 18, who have not graduated from high school, must have a current work permit BEFORE they may be scheduled to work.
  4. Students can pick up a new work permit application (Form B1-1) from the GUHSD website at under the STUDENT tab, or at their school site.
  5. Completed work permit applications (Form B1-1) must be returned to the school of attendance.
  6. The new work permit will be available for the student to pick up 48 hours after the application is received by the school site.
  7. A current work permit (Form B1-4) MUST be on file at the student’s place of employment BEFORE a minor student can begin work.
  8. GUHSD policy regulations monitor student grades and attendance prior to issuing a student work permit.

Please call the student’s school site to contact the Work Permit Designee if you have any questions. 


Occupational Restrictions for persons under 18

MAY NOT BE EMPLOYED OR PERMITTED TO WORK IN ANY OCCUPATION DECLARED HAZARDOUS IN FEDERAL REGULATION FOR PERSONS UNDER 18: Manufacturing and storing explosives (including small arms ammunition); motor vehicle driving and outside helper; logging and sawmilling; power-driven woodworking machines; power-driven circular saws, band saws, and guillotine shears; power-driven hoisting apparatuses (including forklifts); roofing, excavation; wrecking, demolition, and shipbreaking operations; power-driven metal-forming, punching, and shearing machines; slaughtering, or meat-packing, processing or rendering; power-driven bakery machines; power-driven paper-products machines; manufacturing brick, tile, and kindred products; coal mining; mining other than coal mining; and exposure to radioactive substances.

Solely under state law, MAY NOT BE EMPLOYED: In gas stations, in any work using pits, racks, lifting apparatuses, or inflating any tire mounted on a rim with a removable retaining ring. In or on that portion of an establishment primarily designed for on site consumption of alcohol. To sell alcoholic beverages for off-site consumption unless constantly supervised by a person 21 or older. To sell lottery tickets unless constantly supervised by a person 21 or older.

For more information about child labor laws, contact the U.S. Department of Labor at, and the State of California Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Labor Standards Enforcement at