Grossmont Union High School District

California Assembly Bill (AB) 1565 went into effect on January 1, 2014. AB 1565 requires ALL General Contractors (Primes) and M/E/P Subcontractors that HOLD certain licenses to be prequalified, if the project expenditures values at $1 million or more and funded whole or in part with State Facility Bond funds.  This applies to the following license numbers:
  • All General Contractors (Prime)
  • Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing subcontractors ("MEPs"):  C-4, C-7, C-10, C-16, C-20, C-34, C-36, C-38, C-42, C-43, and C-46 
Link to law:

Grossmont Union High School District has a web-based process for prequalification. Go to: For an overview of the process, please review the following: Quality Bidders-Contractors Instructions.pptx

The District must receive applications (new and renewals) at least ten (10) business days prior to the scheduled bid opening on any advertised project in order for the candidate to qualify for that project. Pre-qualification approval will remain valid for one (1) calendar year from the date of notice of qualification except as noted in the pre-qualification documents.

Please contact Rian Pinson, Director of Purchasing, with any questions at 619-644-8051. You may also contact with any questions about the use of the QualityBidders web-based tool.
List of Prequalified Contractors

List of Prequalified Contractors

Note: All dollar amounts stated are for Contractors (Prime and Sub) that are required to get a bond. The dollar amount relates directly to the Calculation of Prequalified Limit. In the case of subcontractors, if they are unable to get a bonding capacity it will state 0 in the dollar amount column. All subcontractors that are approved for less but are covered under the GC, the same rules shall apply. This then means the general needs to make a decision if they are willing to cover a subcontractor bond wise.

Applications are reviewed twice a week. The report is updated nightly. If your name does not appear, please check back the following day.

Calculation of Pre-qualified Limit:

Classification: Contractors Holding an A or B license
Max Approval: Max Bonding Capacity

Classification: MEPs
General Contractors: W/ Public Education Experience
Max Approval: $10,000,000

Classification: MEPs
General Contractors: W/O Public Education Experience - Public Works Experience
Max Approval: $5,000,000

Classification: MEPs
General Contractors: W/O Public Education Experience - Private Experience
Max Approval: $2,000,000

If approval limit exceeds Applicants Bonding Capacity the calculation will be equal to their current Bonding Capacity.
Updated January 2023