List of Prequalified Contractors
List of Prequalified Contractors
Note: All dollar amounts stated are for Contractors (Prime and Sub) that are required to get a bond. The dollar amount relates directly to the Calculation of Prequalified Limit. In the case of subcontractors, if they are unable to get a bonding capacity it will state 0 in the dollar amount column. All subcontractors that are approved for less but are covered under the GC, the same rules shall apply. This then means the general needs to make a decision if they are willing to cover a subcontractor bond wise.
Applications are reviewed twice a week. The report is updated nightly. If your name does not appear, please check back the following day.
Calculation of Pre-qualified Limit:
Classification: Contractors Holding an A or B license
Max Approval: Max Bonding Capacity
Classification: MEPs
General Contractors: W/ Public Education Experience
Max Approval: $10,000,000
Classification: MEPs
General Contractors: W/O Public Education Experience - Public Works Experience
Max Approval: $5,000,000
Classification: MEPs
General Contractors: W/O Public Education Experience - Private Experience
Max Approval: $2,000,000
If approval limit exceeds Applicants Bonding Capacity the calculation will be equal to their current Bonding Capacity.
Updated January 2023