Portrait of a Graduate • Introduction and Frequently Asked Questions
The Portrait of a Graduate process is an approach to school systems work that a number of districts across the United States are engaged in. The world of work is changing rapidly, in our own community, nationally, and across the globe. Current careers and skill sets are evolving, and new occupations will continue to emerge over the next 10-15 years.
The purpose of the Portrait of a Graduate process is to engage staff, students, and community at all levels of our district in a process of analysis, reflection, and planning so that we can collectively prepare our students for a successful future.
What does the process consist of?
The Portrait of a Graduate team from San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE) supports the district to host several gatherings to envision the types of work and career opportunities there could be in the future, and identify what kinds of graduates we want GUHSD students to become over the next 12-15 years of formal education.
To ensure the strategic visioning process is truly representative of the students and communities we serve, we will consistently invite individuals from all parts of the community and all walks of life to participate in the main gatherings that are included within this process. The main gatherings include:
- Visioning for My Future student sessions - every school, various dates in September
- Guiding Coalition Convening #1 - October 18 & 19, 2024
- Guiding Coalition Convening #2 - December 13 & 14, 2024
- Guiding Coalition Convening #3 - March 7 & 8, 2025
- Guiding Coalition Convening #4 - April 25 & 26, 2025
Each Guiding Coalition gathering is followed by a period of community engagement, analysis, and reflection. This community-based envisioning process will result in three portraits: a Portrait of a Graduate and the supporting Adult Portrait and System Portrait. Once a draft of the portraits is created they are shared several times with the community at large for input. At the end of the process, the three portraits will serve as a district’s “North Star”; guiding instructional, financial, and staffing decisions.
What happens during the Guiding Coalition sessions?
A diverse and representative group of district staff and community members come together to form the “Guiding Coalition.” Once formed, the Guiding Coalition gathers on three occasions to share aspirations, envision the future, analyze and synthesize data, and then co-create the Portrait of a Graduate and the supporting Adult Portrait and System Portrait. From beginning to end, data is collected from as many people from the district and community as possible, and this data is utilized as the foundation for the development of the three portraits.
As a parent or community member, what opportunities to participate do I have? There are many ways to contribute to the process. Depending on your time, you could:
- participate as a member of the Guiding Coalition which requires a commitment of 4 Friday evenings 4:00pm -7:00pm and 4 full-day Saturdays, 9:00am - 4:00pm.
- contribute as a community member: interviewed for your perspective as a parent, or resident in the district boundaries, or business owner, former student, or employee of GUHSD
- contribute as a community member: giving input at a Community Engagement event where drafts of the portraits will be shared
My child is a student in the district. What opportunities to participate do they have?
Students in grades 9-12 are needed for both the Visioning for My Future (1 day) and as members of the Guiding Coalition (4 evenings and 4 Saturdays). If your child is interested in lending their voice to the process, they can contact their principal to express their interest in joining the process either as a member of the Guiding Coalition and/or as a participant of the one-day Visioning for My Future student session.
If I want to contribute, what is the time commitment?
There are different “levels” of involvement, depending on your interest and availability.
If you are unable to participate as a Guiding Coalition member, there are several opportunities for you to provide input during the Community Engagement periods. During these periods you can participate in any of the following ways: interviews, survey completion, and providing feedback to the Guiding Coalition’s work.
Members of the Guiding Coalition are expected to attend and actively participate in all four Guiding Coalition convenings (October 18 & 19, December 13 & 14, March 7 & 8, and April 25 & 26), and participate in Learning Journey opportunities as time permits. Guiding Coalition members will actively collaborate to co-create the three portraits, using the data gathered from community interviews and the Visioning for My Future student session.
Members of the community who choose to be interviewed about their own perspectives and aspirations for GUHSD graduates will be invited to meet via zoom for a 30-35 minute interview.
If you are interested in contributing to the GUHSD Portrait of a Graduate process, please fill out this short form:
GUHSD POG Community Interest Form or call Denise Broadfoot at (619) 644-8083 to let us know your availability.