NEIGHBORHOOD SCHOOL REPAIR, SAFETY AND OVERCROWDING MEASURE. To repair aging local high schools, improve student safety, and qualify for State matching funds, shall Grossmont Union High School District repair aging roofs, upgrade deteriorated plumbing, restrooms, electrical, technology, heating and cooling systems; improve fire safety and security systems; renovate outdated classrooms, science labs and school facilities; improve buildings and grounds for safety; and construct a new school; by issuing $274,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, with annual audits, citizen oversight, and all money staying in our community?



Neighborhood School Repair, Safety and Overcrowding Measure . To repair aging local high schools, improve student safety, and qualify for State matching funds, shall Grossmont Union High School District repair aging roofs, upgrade deteriorated plumbing, restrooms, electrical, technology, heating and cooling systems; improve fire safety and security systems; renovate outdated classrooms, science labs and school facilities; improve buildings and grounds for safety; and construct a new school; by issuing $274,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, with annual audits, citizen oversight, and all money benefiting our local community?


As required by the California Constitution, the proceeds from the sale of bonds will be used only to acquire or improve real property, and not for any other purposes, including teacher and administrator salaries or other school operating expenses.

Priority School Projects

The District intends to complete the school projects described below, using a combination of bond proceeds and matching State funds. It is anticipated that bond proceeds will contribute $274,000,000. Generating such dollars from these bond proceeds would qualify the District to receive approximately $120,000,000 from matching State funds.

The work done at the high schools in the District will include:

Grossmont High School

  • Replace aging roofs and deteriorated covered walkways
  • Repair or replace aging plumbing systems
  • Upgrade deteriorated restrooms
  • Increase and upgrade electrical capacity and technology infrastructure for safety and better access to technology
  • Upgrade fire alarms, sprinkler, and public address systems for improved safety
  • Repair and renovate academic classrooms including repainting, replacing deteriorated flooring and ceiling, installing energy efficient lighting, and upgrading marker boards
  • Add new academic classrooms to relieve overcrowding
  • Expand and upgrade outdated science labs
  • Renovate and expand library
  • Remove asbestos and lead paint from buildings
  • Upgrade deteriorated heating and air conditioning with energy efficient systems
  • Upgrade building exteriors including repainting, replacing doors and windows, and installing energy efficient outdoor lighting to improve safety and security
  • Repair and renovate 75-year old multi-purpose and cafeteria facilities including ceilings, floors, walls, lighting and windows
  • Repair or replace old drinking fountains
  • Upgrade existing district offices for compliance with Federal Americans with Disabilities Act requirements

Helix Charter High School

  • Replace deteriorated roofs
  • Upgrade aging covered walkways
  • Upgrade electrical systems for safety
  • Repair and renovate 50-year-old restrooms, plumbing and drinking fountains
  • Replace aging portables with permanent academic classrooms
  • Remove asbestos and lead paint from buildings
  • Upgrade deteriorated heating and air conditioning with energy efficient systems
  • Repair and renovate academic classrooms including repainting, replacing deteriorated flooring and ceiling, installing energy efficient lighting, and upgrading marker boards
  • Upgrade safety systems for compliance with State and Federal law
  • Upgrade building exteriors including repainting, replacing doors and windows, and installing energy efficient outdoor lighting to improve safety and security
  • Repair and renovate 50-year old multi-purpose and cafeteria facilities including ceilings, floors, walls, lighting and windows

El Cajon Valley High School

  • Replace aging roofs and deteriorated covered walkways
  • Repair or replace aging plumbing systems
  • Upgrade deteriorated restrooms
  • Replace 20-30 year old portables with permanent academic classrooms as needed for enrollment growth
  • Repair and renovate existing academic classrooms including repainting, replacing deteriorated flooring and ceiling, installing energy efficient lighting, and upgrading marker boards
  • Increase and upgrade electrical capacity and technology infrastructure for safety and better access to technology
  • Upgrade fire alarms, sprinkler, and public address systems for improved safety
  • Remove asbestos and lead paint from buildings
  • Renovate and expand library/career center
  • Upgrade deteriorated heating and air conditioning with energy efficient systems
  • Upgrade 48-year old building exteriors including repainting, replacing doors and windows, and installing energy efficient outdoor lighting to improve safety and security
  • Expand and upgrade science labs
  • Upgrade safety systems for compliance with State and Federal law
  • Repair and renovate 48-year old food service facilities

Mount Miguel High School

  • Repair and renovate 46-year old academic classrooms including repainting, replacing deteriorated flooring and ceiling, installing energy efficient lighting, and upgrading marker boards
  • Replace aging roofs
  • Repair and renovate deteriorated restrooms, plumbing and drinking fountains
  • Upgrade deteriorated covered walkways
  • Renovate/improve classrooms (delete)
  • Remove asbestos and lead paint from buildings
  • Upgrade fire alarms, sprinkler, and public address systems for improved safety
  • Increase and upgrade electrical capacity and technology infrastructure for safety and better access to technology
  • Renovate and expand library
  • Complete heating and air conditioning replacement with energy efficient systems
  • Upgrade aging building exteriors including repainting, replacing doors and windows, and installing energy efficient outdoor lighting to improve safety and security
  • Upgrade safety systems for compliance with State and Federal law
  • Provide furnishings and equipment from State matching funds to the extent permitted by State law
  • Reconfigure school drop-off zones and parking lots to improve traffic and pedestrian safety
  • Repair and renovate 46-year old multi-purpose and cafeteria facilities including ceilings, floors, walls, lighting and windows

El Capitan High School

  • Replace aging roofs and deteriorated covered walkways
  • Repair and renovate deteriorated academic classrooms including repainting, replacing flooring and ceiling, installing energy efficient lighting, and upgrading marker boards
  • Replace aging portables with permanent academic classrooms
  • Increase and upgrade electrical capacity and technology infrastructure for safety and better access to technology
  • Repair or replace deteriorated plumbing systems and drinking fountains
  • Renovate old restrooms
  • Upgrade fire alarms, sprinkler, and public address systems for improved safety
  • Upgrade heating and air conditioning with energy efficient systems
  • Expand and upgrade science labs
  • Remove asbestos and lead paint from buildings
  • Upgrade 45-year old building exteriors including repainting, replacing doors and windows, and installing energy efficient outdoor lighting to improve safety and security
  • Upgrade safety systems for compliance with State and Federal law
  • Provide furnishings and equipment from State matching funds to the extent permitted by State law
  • Repair and renovate aging multi-purpose and cafeteria facilities including ceilings, floors, walls, lighting and windows

Granite Hills High School

  • Replace 40-year old portables with permanent academic classrooms
  • Repair and renovate existing deteriorated academic classrooms including repainting, replacing flooring and ceiling, installing energy efficient lighting, and upgrading marker boards
  • Complete air conditioning and heating upgrade with energy efficient systems
  • Replace old roofs and covered walkways
  • Repair, renovate or replace worn out restrooms, plumbing and drinking fountains
  • Expand and upgrade science labs
  • Increase and upgrade electrical capacity and technology infrastructure for safety and better access to technology
  • Upgrade fire and other safety systems including but not limited to fire alarm systems, public address systems, intercom and Americans with Disabilities Act improvements
  • Remove asbestos and lead paint from buildings =
  • Expand and renovate library
  • Upgrade deteriorated building exteriors including repainting, replacing doors and windows, and installing energy efficient outdoor lighting to improve safety and security
  • Provide furnishings and equipment from State matching funds to the extent permitted by State law
  • Repair and renovate 43-year old food service facilities including flooring, ceilings, wall coverings, lighting and equipment, and add multi-purpose room for assembly and large group instruction

Monte Vista High School

  • Replace old roofs and deteriorated covered walkways
  • Repair and renovate 42-year old restrooms, plumbing and drinking fountains
  • Repair and renovate existing deteriorated academic classrooms including repainting, replacing flooring and ceiling, installing energy efficient lighting, and upgrading marker boards
  • Add academic classrooms to relieve overcrowding
  • Consolidate and upgrade outdated science classrooms
  • Increase and upgrade electrical capacity and technology infrastructure for safety and better access to technology
  • Expand and renovate Library
  • Upgrade fire and other safety systems including but not limited to fire alarm and sprinkler systems, public address systems, intercom and Americans with Disabilities Act improvements
  • Repair and renovate aging multi-purpose and cafeteria facilities including ceilings, floors, walls, lighting and windows
  • Remove asbestos and lead paint from buildings
  • Upgrade heating and air conditioning with energy efficient systems
  • Upgrade aging building exteriors including repainting, replacing doors and windows, and installing energy efficient outdoor lighting to improve safety and security
  • Reconfigure school drop-off zones and parking lots to improve traffic and pedestrian safety
  • Provide furnishings and equipment from State matching funds to the extent permitted by State law

Santana High School

  • Repair and renovate deteriorated academic classrooms including repainting, replacing flooring and ceiling, installing energy efficient lighting, and upgrading marker boards
  • Replace old roofs and covered walkways
  • Increase and upgrade electrical capacity and technology infrastructure for safety and better access to technology
  • Remove asbestos and lead paint from buildings
  • Renovate 40-year old restrooms, plumbing and drinking fountains
  • Expand and upgrade science labs
  • Renovate library
  • Upgrade fire and other safety systems including but not limited to fire alarm systems, sprinklers public address systems, intercom and Americans with Disabilities Act improvements
  • Upgrade heating and air conditioning with energy efficient systems
  • Upgrade aging building exteriors including repainting, replacing doors and windows, and installing energy efficient outdoor lighting to improve safety and security
  • Provide furnishings and equipment from State matching funds to the extent permitted by State law
  • Repair and renovate aging multi-purpose and cafeteria facilities including ceilings, floors, walls, lighting and windows

Valhalla High School

  • Replace old aging roofs
  • Renovate 30-year old restrooms, plumbing and drinking fountains
  • Expand and upgrade science labs
  • Repair and renovate existing deteriorated academic classrooms including repainting, replacing flooring and ceiling, installing energy efficient lighting, and upgrading marker boards
  • Increase and upgrade electrical capacity and technology infrastructure for safety and better access to technology
  • Remove lead paint from buildings
  • Upgrade heating and air conditioning with energy efficient systems
  • Upgrade deteriorated building exteriors including repainting, replacing doors and windows, and installing energy efficient outdoor lighting to improve safety and security
  • Upgrade fire alarms, sprinkler, and public address systems for improved safety
  • Upgrade safety systems for compliance with State and Federal law
  • Provide furnishings and equipment from State matching funds to the extent permitted by State lawWest Hills High School
  • Replace old roofs and covered walkways
  • Upgrade fire and other safety systems including but not limited to fire alarm systems, sprinklers, public address systems, intercom and Americans with Disabilities Act improvements
  • Increase and upgrade electrical capacity and technology infrastructure for safety and better access to technology
  • Upgrade building exteriors including repainting, replacing doors and windows, and installing energy efficient outdoor lighting to improve safety and security
  • Upgrade site drainage, irrigation and storm systems for safety
  • Provide furnishings and equipment from State matching funds to the extent permitted by State law

West Hills High School

  • Replace old roofs and covered walkways
  • Upgrade fire and other safety systems including but not limited to fire alarm systems, sprinklers, public address systems, intercom and Americans with Disabilities Act improvements
  • Increase and upgrade electrical capacity and technology infrastructure for safety and better access to technology
  • Upgrade building exteriors including repainting, replacing doors and windows, and installing energy efficient outdoor lighting to improve safety and security
  • Upgrade site drainage, irrigation and storm systems for safety
  • Provide furnishings and equipment from State matching funds to the extent permitted by State law

Steele Canyon High School

  • Upgrade/expand infrastructure for classroom telecommunications systems
  • Make the necessary improvements for compliance with Federal Americans with Disabilities Act requirements
  • Upgrade facilities for physical education instruction

Chaparral High School

  • Repair and renovate existing deteriorated academic classrooms including repainting, replacing flooring and ceiling, installing energy efficient lighting, upgrading marker boards and instructional supply storage
  • Increase and upgrade electrical capacity and technology infrastructure for safety and better access to technology
  • Remove lead paint and asbestos from buildings
  • Upgrade safety systems for compliance with State and Federal law
  • Provide a covered eating area students and faculty

Viking Center

  • Repair and renovate existing deteriorated academic classrooms including repainting, replacing flooring and ceiling, installing energy efficient lighting, upgrading marker boards and instructional supply storage
  • Repair or replace inefficient and old air conditioners and heaters with efficient systems
  • Upgrade building exteriors including repainting, replacing doors and windows, and installing energy efficient outdoor lighting, and fencing to improve safety and security
  • Increase and upgrade electrical capacity and technology infrastructure for safety and better access to technology
  • Upgrade safety systems for compliance with State and Federal law

Homestead/Frontier School

  • Replace old deteriorated roofing
  • Repair and renovate deteriorated academic classrooms and office space, including repainting, replacing flooring and ceiling, installing energy efficient lighting, upgrading marker boards and instructional supply storage
  • Upgrade safety systems for compliance with State and Federal law
  • Upgrade building exteriors including repainting, replacing doors and windows, and installing energy efficient outdoor lighting, and fencing to improve safety and security

Work Training Center

  • Replace old inefficient air conditioning and heating systems
  • Repair or replace deteriorated roofing system
  • Repair and renovate deteriorated academic classrooms and office space, including repainting, replacing flooring and ceiling, installing energy efficient lighting, and upgrading marker boards
  • Increase and upgrade electrical capacity and technology infrastructure for safety and better access to technology

Grossmont Adult School Including Foothills Adult

  • Reduce outstanding lease-purchase obligations of the District

The Governing Board of the District has adopted the Long Range Facilities Master Plan for the Grossmont Union High School District, which includes a comprehensive list, identified as priorities 1, 2 and 3, of all projects that may also be accomplished with proceeds from this bond. The plan is on file at the District Office and may be amended from time to time by the Governing Board of the District as permitted by law.

The Governing Board of the District has certified that it has evaluated safety, class size reduction and information technology needs in developing the foregoing list.

Accountability Measures

The following accountability measures are above and beyond the requirements of current State law:

Performance Audit

An annual, independent performance audit will be conducted to ensure that the funds have been expended only on the project list set forth above, as promised to the voters. The Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee will make the audit available to the public.

Financial Audit

An annual, independent financial audit of the proceeds from the sale of the Bonds will be conducted until all of those proceeds have been expended for the school facilities projects listed above, as promised to the voters. The audit will be made available to the public by the Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee.

Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee

The Governing Board of the District will appoint an independent Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee within 60 days of the date that the Governing Board enters the elections results in its minutes. The purpose of the Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee shall be to receive and review copies of annual, public performance and financial audits, and to inform the public concerning the expenditure of bond revenues. The Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee shall actively review and report on the proper expenditure of taxpayers' money for school construction. The Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee shall advise the public as to whether the District is in compliance with the requirements of paragraph (2) of Section 1 of Article XIIIA of the California Constitution. The Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee shall convene to provide oversight for, but not limited to, both of the following:

  • Ensuring that bond revenues are expended only for the purposes described above, as promised to the voters (see paragraph (2) of Section 1 of Article XIIIA of the California Constitution).
  • Ensuring that no bond revenues are used for any teacher or administrative salaries or other school operating expenses.
  • In furtherance of its purpose, the Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee may engage in any of the following activities:
  • Receiving and reviewing copies of the annual, independent performance audit;
  • Receiving and reviewing copies of the annual, independent financial audit;
  • Inspecting school facilities and grounds to ensure that bond revenues are expended as promised to the voters (see paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) of Section 1 of Article XIIIA of the California Constitution).
  • Receiving and reviewing copies of any deferred maintenance proposals or plans developed by the District.
  • Reviewing efforts by the District to maximize bond revenues by implementing cost-saving measures, including, but not limited to, all of the following:
    • Mechanisms designed to reduce the costs of (a) professional fees and (b) site preparation;
    • Recommendations regarding (a) the joint use of core facilities and (b) the use of cost-effective and efficient reusable facility plans; and
    • Mechanisms designed to reduce costs by incorporating efficiencies in school site design.

The Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee shall review and comment on bond measure expenditure plans, bond measure-related staffing and consultants, and General Fund major maintenance plans prior to any action by the Governing Board on bond-related issues. The Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee shall also oversee the implementation of the major maintenance plan described below.


The District shall, without expending bond funds, provide the Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee with any necessary technical assistance and shall provide administrative assistance in furtherance of its purpose and sufficient resources to publicize the conclusions of the Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee.


All Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee proceedings shall be open to the public and notice to the public shall be provided in the same manner as the proceedings of the Governing Board of the District.


The Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee shall issue regular reports on the results of its activities. A report shall be issued at least once a year. Minutes of the proceedings of the Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee and all documents received and reports issued by the Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee shall be a matter of public record and be made available on the District's internet web site.

The Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee shall consist of at least seven (7) members to serve for a term of two (2) years without compensation and for no more than two (2) consecutive terms. It is the intention of the Governing Board of the District that such committee shall include among its members construction, finance or other qualified professionals who shall constitute majority of the membership of such committee. The Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee shall, however, include the following members:

  • One member shall be active in a business organization representing the business community located within the District;
  • One member shall be active in a senior citizen's organization;
  • One member shall be active in a bona fide taxpayers' organization;
  • One member shall be a parent or guardian of a child enrolled in the District;
  • One member shall be both a parent or guardian of a child enrolled in the District and active in a parent-teacher organization, such as the Parent Teacher Association or a school site council.

No employee or official of the District shall be appointed to the Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee. No vendor, contractor, or consultant of the District shall be appointed to the Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee.

Maintenance Plan

The Governing Board of the District shall adopt a short term plan to eliminate existing deferred maintenance, if any, using general fund revenues and, if necessary, bond revenues to the minimum extent practicable. The Governing Board shall also adopt an ongoing maintenance plan to ensure that maintenance of both new and renovated facilities does not become deferred once the existing backlog of deferred maintenance has been eliminated.

Joint Use of Facilities

The District will pursue all practical opportunities to expand community joint use facilities in every new or expanded school construction project. In pursuing joint use, the District's goal will be to maximize the use of school district facilities to the broader community, without adversely impacting school operations or finances.